and energy saving
y ahorro energético

Benefits of installing a
At Propetan we are aware of the environment and energy savings. For this reason we have decided to install a wind turbine for our own consumption. Producing electricity from the wind means that this energy is not obtained from other sources that produce greenhouse gases in their production, so in addition to making significant energy savings in our facilities, we are reducing greenhouse gas emissions !

Save of
As it is an installation with such a frequent work regime, we can consider that on average throughout the year, all the power generated will be consumed.
As we do not have a detailed record (in intervals of minutes or hours) of the consumption and the wind resource throughout the year, we will use an approximation, applying the following coefficients:
Wind turbine shutdown coefficient for maintenance: 0.9
Non-simultaneity coefficient between production and demand: 0.95
Coefficient of decrease in demand due to decrease in production: 0.9
The estimated energy savings will then be: 205,824 kWh/year *0.9 * 0.95 * 0.9 = 158,382 kWh/year

Save of
gas emission
According to the 2012 electricity observatory carried out by the World Wildlife Found, the environmental impact of electricity consumption is
- 0.247 kg CO2/kWh
- 0’534 gr SO2/kWh
- 0.375 kg NOx/kWh
- 0.319 mg RAA2/kWh
- 0’00261 cm3 RBMA/kWh
In one year of average wind resource we will obtain an environmental reduction per year of
- 158,382.00 kWh
- 39,120.35 kg CO2
- 84,575.99 gr SO2
- 59,393.25 gr NOx
- 50,523.86 mg RAA2
- 413.38 cm3 RBMA

The energy produced by the wind turbine will be equivalent to multiplying the power obtained by time, thus obtaining an annual energy of 205,824kWh. The equivalent hours are obtained by dividing the energy by the nominal power of the wind turbine, which gives us an approximate idea of the performance of the wind turbine: about 2,572 hours.